Why is Islam The Only True Deen?
by G.A. Parwez translated by Dr. Manzoor-ul-Haque
Brahmo-Samaji Religion.
What Is Deen?
From Desire to Action.
Impact Of the concept of Life
According to the civilization raised on this concept, national character would be regardedas highest character. Thinking deeply you would realize that the national character is,also, the product of animal instinct. Herd instinct is in the very nature of animals. Everyanimal finds its preservation in living with its herd. This is the only urge on which anation comes into being and endures. Prosperity and well-being of one’s own nationbecomes the highest values for the individual; the greatest patriot becomes the one whosqueezes out the last drop of blood of other nations and decorates the magnificent edificeof one’s own nation with the gaudiness of this blood. For him, the question of beinghonest or dishonest or the question of falsehood and truth does never arise. The one whostarts giving mind to these values cannot perform the affairs of the state. In the words of Walpole:“No great country was ever saved by good men, because good men will not go to thelength that may be necessary to save a nation.”In this connection, what these patriots have to say, the reproduction of the words of thereputed Italian thinker, Cavour are sufficient. He says.“If we did for ourselves what we do for our country, what rascals we should be.”Did you observe how a change in the concept of life brings changes in the individual andcollective life, and how does the concept of life influence every walk of life? The reasonthat the moral values are still being theoretically appreciated today is that the man has, uptill now, not been able to erase his sub-conscience free from the binding effects of thepast. If this concept pervaded any further into the next few generations, even the conceptof these values will be wiped off from his mind and its verbal confession will also remainno more. Its signs and symptoms have started surfacing right from now. Our youngergeneration ridicules these values by calling them mere conservatism.
The Concept of God.
The Concept of God in Hinduism.
Among the three religions (Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity), Hinduism claims that itis the oldest religion in the world. The proof of its antiquity is provided by its existingreligious books where each of its leaves bear testimony to the fact that these are thewritings of that age when human mind was in its infancy. The infantile mind can neverperceive the concept of an abstract reality in any shape other than its concrete form. Howcould the mind of that age have established the pristine concept of the personality of God? It transformed God on its own nature only with the difference that man (forexample) has two hands, God was conceived to have eight, man has one head, God hadten; man can drink a cup of water, God can pour in the whole ocean. Three basic gods are accepted among Hindus: Brahmo, Shivji, and Vishnoo. They have their wives andchildren too; Shivji’s wife was Parbatti and son is Gnesh whose body is of man and headof elephant; Brahma’s daughter is Sarsooti. Earlier all these three were worshipped butnow Brahma is not worshipped.. It is in the Para’ns that once Shivji saw Brahmaintending to rape his daughter, there he stopped worship of Brahma (Hinduism by GovindDas,P:104).About the creation of the universe, the following statement is found in the shivparana:Shivji desired to create the world. He created Brahma. Brahma splashed a handful of water in the water; there raised a bubble; a man was horn out of this bubble. He said toBrahma: ‘O’ son! create the world.’ Brahma said: “I am not your son, You are my son”There was a quarrel between the two. Maha Dev (Shivji) thought that whom he had sentfor creating the world were quarrelling between themselves, then a heavenly ling (malegenital organ) was born out of the two; it ascended immediately into the sky Both weresurprised to see it.Listen to what happened later on:Both started thinking that the beginning and end of ling should be found; the one whocomes back first be the father and the one who comes later be the son. Vishnoo intortoise-shape started going down. Brahma in swan-shape flew upward. Both continuedtheir journey with lightning speed for two thousand years but could not search the utmostlimits of the ling. Brahma thought: if wishnoo had com back with an inkling, l wouldhave to be his son. He was just thinking of it when a cow and a tree of kaitkee descended.Brahma asked them: “Where do you live?” They said: “With the props of that ling wehave been travelling since thousands of years” Brahma asked them whether or not linghad any extremity, they replied that it did not.Brahma said: Come with me and stand witness that the cow used to pour strain of milk on the head of ling and that the tree used to shower flowers over it” They said: We’ll notbear false witness.” Then Brahma said angrily: “I’ll turn you into ashes if you do notstand witness.” Then both frighteningly said: “We’ll bear witness as you desire.” Thenthe three went downwards.Brahma asked Vishnoo whether or not he had found out the utmost limits of ling. Hereplied in the negative. Brahma said:“ I have found our”; Vishnoo demanded: “Producewitness to this effect.” Then the cow and the tree bore false witness. Upon this the lingimprecated the Kaitkee: “You have told a lie. Your flower will never be used for offeringeither to me or to any other God. Whoever offers you will be terminated”; it imprecatedthe cow: “You will eat filth with the mouth through which you told a lie; no body willworship your mouth but your tail will be worshipped; cursed Brahma: “Since you havetold a lie, you’ll never be worshipped” in the world”; it gave a blessing to Vishnoo “Youhave spoken the truth, so you’ll be worshipped every where”. Then both praised andeulogized the ling.
Concept of God in Christianity
Concept of the Holy Quran
After these concepts of God, now come to the Holy Quran. It first of all, refuted all theseconcepts by saying :-“Allah is far above and free from all the concepts they attribute to Him from their ownminds” ( Al-Quran 23/92)Then it said So far as the personality of God is concerned, you cannot conceive it,because you can only conceive the things, which are perceptible to senses, and the self of God is an exception to this phenomenon. Therefore.“Human eyes cannot perceive him,He can keep watch over the eyes. He is very subtle and All-knowing.” Al-Quran 6/104)His personality cannot be conceived with any example, because “He is analogous tonone”(Al-Quran 42/11)“ Neither He is himself the ;son of any one, nor anyone else is Hisson”(Al-Quran 112/3) “Nor is any one else is equal in rank to Him. He is altogetherunique, incomparable and unprecedented.” Al-Quran 112/4)You cannot know anything about His personality; but a concept of God, more exalted,pure, dignified and elegant than the concept which appears forth from his attributes Hehas described of His own, is not possible.
Relationship of God and Man.
The question is: What is the advantage of believing in these attributes of God? Oneaccepts that these are the attributes of God and the other rejects. What impact does thisacceptance and rejection has on their lives? The Holy Quran answers this question. Itsays that every human is a carrier of “Divine energy” which is called the human personality. Every human personality is bestowed with the possibility of progressivelyactualizing these attributes (within human limits). This is the hue of God beyond whichno other hue is more elegant. (Al-Quran 2/138)That is why these attributes are the objective standard for the nourishment of humanpersonality It is this ideal to which man wants to mould himself. This is the standard,which he strives to come up to . Every moment, he measures his own self against thisobjective standard and evaluates rationally the extent to which his personality hasdeveloped and how far it still remain to be developed.In addition to it, the Holy Quran also informs as to which attribute operates at whatoccasion so that the likewise facet may also operate in the like event on the part of theman. This also determines man’s reaction in the face of external events and occurrences.Remember, as is the upholding of the balanced attributes for the man a must, similarlythe emergence of that attribute most appropriate to that occurrence is imperative. To letgo with pity a merciless tyrant, who has no feeling of repentance or any desire forrectification in his heart, is the worst form of tyranny on the oppressed human beings;but to take revenge in a situation where remission and forgiveness bring pleasantconsequences is also equivalent to tyranny. The bruise of muscles soothes slowly onmassage but the fractured bones need tight binding in wooden splints. This is calledJabbariyat-holding things firmly together (The wooden splints which a surgeon uses arecalled Jaba’ir The Holy Quran expounds in full length the attributes of God and theeventful appearance and application their of, so that not only do these become objectivestandard for gauging the development of an individual but also the foreteller to the manfor forming the type of reaction most appropriate to the kind of events.
The Law of God.
Relationship in Hinduism:
Relationship in Christianity:
Leaving this aside, now come to the other side where the material things, their adornmentand comfort is thought to be most detestable and abominable; and where the mystery of human salvation is only through the renunciation of the world and its vanities— throughthe relinquishment of desires and the abandonment of pleasures. The farther one movesfrom the worldly affairs, the nearer one gets to the Deity. The teaching of asceticism andmonasticism was the sine qua non of Christianity. Saint Benedict, transforming it into anorganized institution, produced throngs of monks and nuns. As such in his TheologicalDictionary, Bucks writes about the Monasticism in Egypt:“ In a short span of time, thewhole East was filled with groups of the slothful people who, setting aside the worldlyaffairs adopted a life of pain, distress, misery and anguish so as to be close to God and theDivine environs.”It brought the same result as this type of life ought to bring. In this connection Buck writes: “But after some time their lasciviousness became proverbial. Besides, they startedinciting riots and insurrections by exploiting the people at various places.”A whole world was getting sick with these ascetics.The clinging beggars were seen roaming in every street in the garb of hermits. All kind of vagrancy and cheating was their habit …. These people used to commit the incidences of havoc pillage under the veil of religious fanaticism.(Progress of Religions Concepts. Vol. 3, P.240)The people not committing such evil activities had strange mode of life as well. Thecondition of great saints among Christians was such that some swore not to take a bath intheir whole life; some stood in marsh throughout their life; some saw the secret of spiritual development in fortifying in the enclosure of ordure; some lied down, life long,in a dark closet — This was all the result of self-abnegation and self-renunciation in Christianity.
According To the Holy Quran:
Mutual Relationship of Man with Man.
In Hinduism:
In Christianity:
It is generally accepted about Christianity that it constitutes an eternal religion for thewhole mankind. It makes no discrimination between man and man. This is not theteaching of Christianity, it is a later political expediency-oriented concept. That is why inthe present day Bible (Which remains in the process of change off and on), it is stillfound written that when Jesus sent his followers for proselytization, he ordered them notto go to the other nations, not to enter into any of the cities of Samrees but go to the lostsheep of the house of Israel.(Mathew, Cahpter 10, Verses 5-6)Do not give the consecrated to the dogs; and do not lay your pearls before the pigs.(Mathew, Chapter 7,verse 6)The anathema of extreme nationalism that you find in Europe is unconsciously the endproduct of this teaching. They confined the religion to the four walls of the church butthe effects of the teaching of their race-worship are still existent in their subconsciouswith the same intensity. They can never think of the concept of universal mankind. Thatis why the moral principles they hold for their own nation are different from those theyhold for the other nations. It is just like the Romans whose law about stealing was:‘Stealing from a Roman is a crime and stealing from a non-Roman is not !
According To the Holy Quran:
Finality of Nabuwwat:
The Ultimate Goal of Human Life (Salvation)
In Hinduism:
In Christianity:
According to the Holy Quran:
Ad-Deen will be adopted in totality:
Result of the Teachings of Christianity:
The Case of Irreligionists:
Warning to the Muslims:
‘The Quran Affirms What You Hold’:
Our Responsibility:
us till we prove ourselves worthy of its superiority by actingon it.At the end, I deem it necessary to explain that whatever I have said in this treatise isneither desired to offend followers of any religion, nor intended to despise (God forbidus) any of the founders of these religions. So far as non-religious founders are concerned,according to the Holy Quran, we have Eiman (conviction) that God sent messengers to allthe nations of the world. Out of them the Holy Quran has mentioned a few by theirrespectable names and the rest of them have not been mentioned by name. But whetherthe name of any one is given in the Holy Quran or not, we pay respect to theseMessengers from the core of our heart, so much so that the confession of their Risalat(Divine Mission) is an integral part of our Eiman. The Holy Quran says that the truthfulteachings of God were presented to them but later on these teachings were either reducedor added to; now these pristine and original teachings are only preserved in the HolyQuran. When we represent the reality that Islam is the only true Deen of God, then itsteachings would have to be invariably compared with that of other religions and thosefound against the Holy Quran cannot be true from our point of view. Whatever I havedescribed about the teachings of other religions is only in the perspective of this purpose.This reality should always be kept in view that Islam does not want to prove itself betterby speaking ill of others; it represents its goodness rationally. and prevails upon othersfor its acceptance rationally. The Holy Quran enjoins us. “Do not call names to the idolsof the polytheists”; it teaches to be respectful to the worthy – of – respect personalities of the whole world, but, of course, it shows the fallacy of teaching assigned to them. Thisshould also be our mode of conduct.