body’s growth and no portion converted into the baby’s milk. In fact if the milk showssigns of drying up, she would at once consult her doctor and do everything to restore thesupply. She is anxious for the baby’s care and nourishment. Identical is the mentalattitude of those who believe that by providing nourishment for others they helpintegration of their own Personality. They work to the maximum of their capacity, utilizeonly as much of their earnings as would provide them basic needs, and make the restavailable for others’ nourishment. At times they would go even further and prefer othersover themselves even though poverty be their portion (59/9). A loving and caring motherwould rather remain hungry herself but must feed her children. She would gladlyinconvenience her own sleep so that the child might sleep comfortably. In doing so shehas not the slightest expectation of any return or reward. In the same way
tellthose helped“we desire no recompense from you, no thankfulness” (76/9).But there is a difference. Whatever the mother does for the child is done under thestress of a natural instinct common to all animals, but what a
does is the outcomeof thoughtful deliberation and free will. The distinction is vital and forms the foundationof the Quranic Social Order. It is a sure guarantee for the sustained elevation of character.
The Quranic Way
body’s growth and no portion converted into the baby’s milk. In fact if the milk showssigns of drying up, she would at once consult her doctor and do everything to restore thesupply. She is anxious for the baby’s care and nourishment. Identical is the mentalattitude of those who believe that by providing nourishment for others they helpintegration of their own Personality. They work to the maximum of their capacity, utilizeonly as much of their earnings as would provide them basic needs, and make the restavailable for others’ nourishment. At times they would go even further and prefer othersover themselves even though poverty be their portion (59/9). A loving and caring motherwould rather remain hungry herself but must feed her children. She would gladlyinconvenience her own sleep so that the child might sleep comfortably. In doing so shehas not the slightest expectation of any return or reward. In the same way
tellthose helped“we desire no recompense from you, no thankfulness” (76/9).But there is a difference. Whatever the mother does for the child is done under thestress of a natural instinct common to all animals, but what a
does is the outcomeof thoughtful deliberation and free will. The distinction is vital and forms the foundationof the Quranic Social Order. It is a sure guarantee for the sustained elevation of character.
The Quranic Way.
The Holy Quran, on the one hand, makes the State responsible to see that everycitizen is provided with the basic needs of life and the means for the development of latent capabilities. Weaknesses of character arising directly from want and poverty arethus eliminated. On the other hand, the Holy Book creates in every citizen, on the basis of reason, the conviction that his Personality will get integrated in proportion to what hemakes available out of his earnings, after meeting his own needs, for the nourishment of others. There is no regimentation but conviction is brought home rationally by impartingeducation and training from early childhood. Quranic Social Order is made up in fact of persons with whom the conviction is an article of faith. The conviction eradicates all evilsconnected with hoarding and inflation since in the Quranic Social Order surplus wealth isnot allowed to remain with the individual nor the urge of self-interest is permitted totarnish human character. Communism also claims that it will not allow surplus wealth toremain with individuals and will thereby put an end to the evils of capitalism. But thecommunistic social order and the Quranic Social Order are entirely different.
Basic Weakness of Communism
Communism has for its basis the materialistic concept of life and, therefore, canprovide no urge for a worker to work the hardest and to part with willingly what may be,out of his earnings, surplus to needs. The absence of the urge constitutes a basicweakness foreboding its failure as a social order. It can subsist only with the help of external force and an order based on force cannot obviously last long, as the world hasalready witnessed the disintegration of Socialist Russia and Collapse of Communism inall Eastern European Countries. A social order will endure and advance only if it has the
willing co-operation of the people, and such co-operation is impossible except with theQuranic concept of life. As already explained, the materialistic concept of life on whichCommunism is based, pertains to the animal level of life in which there is no room for theidea of character, because it can think of nothing higher than physical gain. The most thematerialistic concept can do is to arouse the feeling of Nationalism and lead people fromindividual to collective effort for national good. But according to the Western concept of democracy Nationalism thrives on mutual hatred among nations. Every nation fears thatif it becomes weak more powerful nations will swallow it up. Therefore Nationalism is atbest the product of the urge of self-preservation and has nothing to do with human values
vis a vis
physical urges. Nationalism makes self-preservation a collective instead of anindividual affair. This does not mean decrying Nationalism, that is the urge for protectingone’s country. Self-preservation is a must and unless a country is fully protected that‘must’ will become impossible. What the foregoing is intended to convey is that work forself-preservation, whether individual or collective, does not signify positive character butreveals sound practical wisdom. Similarly indifference to self-preservation is un-wisdomand not a negation of character. A man sailing in a boat if he begins boring a hole in itsbottom, will be called a lunatic and not one lacking character. Similarly if a citizen worksfor the country’s disintegration he will be termed a lunatic. If the national urge makeshim sacrifice personal gain for national good he would be credited with sound sense likethe man in the boat who uses his valuable handkerchief for stuffing the hole in its bottom.Character comes in where one having faith in permanent values hazards a plunge to savea drowning person. There might be instances of people taking a plunge who haveabsolutely no idea of permanent values, but their psychological analysis is likely to showthat either they were aware unconsciously of the relevant permanent value or they did itwith some ulterior motive. Display of true character takes place where one is confrontedwith two values and he sacrifices deliberately and consciously the lower for the highervalue. Faith in Quranic permanent values does it; Communism and all other isms arehelpless in the matter.
Momin’s Patriotism
Believers in Quranic values sacrifice self interest for country’s sake not becausethe sacrifice would safeguard their personal interest, but because they wish their countryto become a model for the world for enforcing permanent values. Their preference for apermanent value over personal gain is a sign of their elevated character.The difference between the patriotism of a believer in materialistic concept of lifeand of a
is clear. For the former his country is an end in itself because “who diesif England lives”, but for the latter his country is not an end in itself but only a means forenforcing permanent values.
patriotism protects undoubtedly his personalinterest as well as of his family, but this is by way of by-product. In Quranic Social Orderthere is integration of human Personality along with development of body. The entireactivity of a
whether for the development of body or Personality, merges into adproduces a balanced amalgan of character.
In a conflict between two values concerning man’s physical life if thelesser value is sacrificed for the greater value, it is an act of wisdom.(2)
In a conflict between a value concerning physical or animal level of lifeand a value concerning human level of life, if the latter is given preferenceover the former, character is demonstrated.(3)
Display of character presupposes faith in human values and humanPersonality. Character is wisdom too because it sacrifices lesser value forthe bigger value.
according to the Holy Quran, are
or master of intellect and wisdom. They are the true intellectualsalthough unbelievers in human Personality call them lunatics.(4)
Intellect by itself cannot discover human values; they are revealed. Faithin Revelation and belief in human values go hand in hand. Faith andhealthy deeds are, according to the Holy Quran, inseparable.(5)
Off-and-on one comes across people who have no faith in revelation buthonour human values and are prepared to make the biggest sacrifice fortheir sake. An analysis of their mind will show one of two things.
they were brought up in an environment where human values wererespected and stressed traditionally and were reposed carefully in theirsub-conscious mind
their sacrifice was prompted by some motive likereputation, popularity, or the like. Sacrifice in their case is not amanifestation of character; character seeks strength of Personality and notsatisfaction of physical urges.(6)
Development of human Personality proceeds from faith in the Quranicvalues and through safeguarding them in practical life. They have to behonoured
en masse.
Ignoring some and respecting others would notachieve full development.(7)
Development of human Personality is possible, not in seclusion, but in asociety called Islamic State, whose edifice rises on a faith in Quranicpermanent values. The duty of Islamic State consists in safeguarding of human values and popularising them throughout mankind. Quranic SocialOrder guarantees every citizen means for development of Personality andall that is pleasant and dignified in the world.
Mysticism and Character
In a conflict between two values concerning man’s physical life if thelesser value is sacrificed for the greater value, it is an act of wisdom.(2)
In a conflict between a value concerning physical or animal level of lifeand a value concerning human level of life, if the latter is given preferenceover the former, character is demonstrated.(3)
Display of character presupposes faith in human values and humanPersonality. Character is wisdom too because it sacrifices lesser value forthe bigger value.
according to the Holy Quran, are
or master of intellect and wisdom. They are the true intellectualsalthough unbelievers in human Personality call them lunatics.(4)
Intellect by itself cannot discover human values; they are revealed. Faithin Revelation and belief in human values go hand in hand. Faith andhealthy deeds are, according to the Holy Quran, inseparable.(5)
Off-and-on one comes across people who have no faith in revelation buthonour human values and are prepared to make the biggest sacrifice fortheir sake. An analysis of their mind will show one of two things.
they were brought up in an environment where human values wererespected and stressed traditionally and were reposed carefully in theirsub-conscious mind
their sacrifice was prompted by some motive likereputation, popularity, or the like. Sacrifice in their case is not amanifestation of character; character seeks strength of Personality and notsatisfaction of physical urges.(6)
Development of human Personality proceeds from faith in the Quranicvalues and through safeguarding them in practical life. They have to behonoured
en masse.
Ignoring some and respecting others would notachieve full development.(7)
Development of human Personality is possible, not in seclusion, but in asociety called Islamic State, whose edifice rises on a faith in Quranicpermanent values. The duty of Islamic State consists in safeguarding of human values and popularising them throughout mankind. Quranic SocialOrder guarantees every citizen means for development of Personality andall that is pleasant and dignified in the world.
Mysticism and Character.
Finally a word about the impact of mysticism on character.
claimspurification of self or spiritual advancement through various practices performed inseclusion. There is in mysticism no incentive for man to work for a social order or aState. The subject has been discussed at great length in my book
“Saleem ke NamKhatoot”
(Vol: III). Briefly stated the essential features of mysticism are:–(1)
It is misleading to say that
aims at the development andintegration of human Personality. In fact it holds human Personality orSelf to be the root cause of all misery which can be shed only by
effacement of human Self. Mysticism believes that human Self is a part of Divine Self which on detachment therefrom has got stuck in the morass of matter, that the purpose of life is to pull out human Self from matter’smarsh and rejoin it to its Principal and that the object is achievablethrough discarding society, relations and desires.
aims atannihilation and not integration of Self.(2)
In mysticism society, state, social organization, are matters for theworldly and an essential pre-requisite for self-purification is that they mustall be discarded. Man’s salvation or salvage of soul from matter’s mud isan individual affair and can be achieved through meditation and exercisesof a strenuous nature.(3)
credits negative virtues, namely humility, modesty, weakness,etc. These virtues are appropriate to a
life which works forannihilation of Self. In consequence mysticism has been described as “analien growth in the land of Islam”, because, contrary to mysticism Islamadvocates a
life and expects man to master nature, establish justice, and attain his destiny by integrating human Personality. And it isthe many shining facets of a developed Personality which go to make upcharacter.
Why Do We Lack Character?
In the light of the foregoing the straight answer to this question is that we lack character because we do not distinguish the human level of life from the animal level;because we do not appreciate the Divine Energy in us, that is, our Personality, thedeciding, determining and dynamic agent in Man; and because we do not care forPermanent values in life as taught by the Holy Quran. The answer also helps to show theway to develop character, namely, that we should, in all seriousness, take up theeducation of our people, particularly in Quranic fundamentals, and life’s permanentValues. Dissemination of Quranic teachings should be at the top of our educationalprogramme.
brought out in four volumes by Tolu-e-Islam Trust(Regd.) Lahore, which explains with the help of authentic Lexicons, the meaning of Quranic words, idioms, phrases, special terms and new concepts, should prove helpful inan intelligent study of the Holy Book, Al-Quran.
G.A. Parwez
* A delicious rice dish cooked with meat ** Dr. Sir, Mohammad Iqbal, Poet, Philosopher of Pakistan (1877-1938)
1. Soren Kierkegarard The Present Age
2. Bubar Martin Between Man and Man
3. Berdyeau Bubar Slavery and Freedom
4. Whitehead. A.N. Adventures of Ideas
5. Loveday Alexander The Only Way
6. Murray. Robert.H The Individual and the State
7. Rashdall – Hastings The Theory of Good and Evil
8. Panton.H.J The Categorical Imperative Critique of Practical Reason Both byKant (1724 – 1804)
9. Iqbal – Dr. Sir Mohammad Israr-e-Khudi (1915)
10. Parwez, Allama G.A
1- Saleem-Kay-Naam (Khatoot) 3 volumes
2- Mafhoom-ul-Quran (3 volumes)
3- Lughaat-ul-Quran (lexicon) 4 volumes